Stackars studenten

Ok, så nu måste jag gnälla lite...

Jag läser i en bok. Jag läser om det positivistiska paradigmet. Jag läser ett stycke om och om igen. Jag förstår inte, jag kan inte koncentrera mig och framförallt så är jag inte intresserad. Alls.

"As shown in table 1.2, a fundamental assumption of positivists is that there is a reality out there that can be studied and known (an assumption is a basic principle that is believed to be true without proof or verification). Adherents of positivism assume that nature is basically ordered and regular and that an objective reality exists independent of human observation. In other words, the world is assumed not to be merely a creation of the human mind. The related assumption of determinism refers to the positivists belief that phenomena are not haphazard, but rather have antecedent causes. If a person has a cerebrovascular accident, the scientist in a positivist tradition assumes that there must be one or more reasons that can be potentially identified. Within the positivist paradigm, much research activity is directed at understanding the underlying causes of phenomena" (Polit B, Beck C. Nursing research - generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice. 2012)

Förstår ni vad jag menar ? Tycker ni synd om mig?

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